This is a poem for opener my heart nowadays. How with your heart. Please read.
When rain began to fall
Darkness enveloped everyone
You came to bring me a rainbow,
when the rain of wounds
were dance on the smarting...
You present the most beautiful smile,
when i'm lost in the darkness...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,
when you bring me into life...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,
when your smile,
be the only breathe for me...
(By Stephanie Hanarany T.)
This is a poem same whit my heart nowadays and for man, lady or person file like this also. Thanks for have a hand in read the phoem.
When rain began to fall
Darkness enveloped everyone
when the rain of wounds
were dance on the smarting...
You present the most beautiful smile,
when i'm lost in the darkness...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,
when you bring me into life...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,
when your smile,
be the only breathe for me...
(By Stephanie Hanarany T.)
This is a poem same whit my heart nowadays and for man, lady or person file like this also. Thanks for have a hand in read the phoem.
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